Principal's Message
Hello and welcome to Tully C. Knoles, the home of the Tigers! Here at TCK our motto is “Every Student is a Scholar.”
We believe all students can and should learn at high levels of achievement. It is our job to create an environment that results in this high level of performance. We are committed to providing innovative lessons to our students by incorporating personalized learning for every TCK scholar while offering modern educational technology and interactive learning through resources such as our school library and the outdoor Life Lab and Pond Habitat.
We encourage you to visit our school and witness our high commitment to educating all children. We have a strong community of educators and learners. We believe in parent and community engagement. Your participation in our school and the education of our children is an essential component in our success.
I look forward to partnering with you to enhance our educational opportunities and school community. We know at TCK, that it is only through a partnership with families and the community that we can assist students in reaching their true potential.
It is a pleasure to be part of such a supportive community as we have here at TCK. Thank you in advance for supporting our efforts to ensure that all of our scholars are successful. Go Tigers!
Paul King, Principal